SBI 4500 PO Exam Pattern, Previous Questions & Books  

Sunday, March 7, 2010

  1. The written test for SBI PO Recruitment (2000 RB & 2500 PO) is to take place on April 11th 2010.This is a common test for both the positions, so all candidates irrespective of the applied position, will have the exam on the same date.We have analyzed the pattern, selection process & books of the SBI PO exam.
  2. Process : The selection process is similar to other previous SBI PO recruitment & has the following phases – 1) Written Test (250 marks) 2) GD & Interview (50 marks)

    3) Final Selection. Let us see what these phases consist of, in detail

    Written Exam – A common written test with a duration of 3 hours, for both posts will be conducted for 250 marks (Objective –200 marks & Descriptive –50 marks). All candidates will take both tests on the same day itself. The Objective test has -

    1) Test of English Language 2) Test of General Awareness, Marketing & Computers

  3. 3) Test of Data Analysis & Interpretation 4) Test of Reasoning (High Level)

    The Descriptive test is for 1 hr & will be evaluated only for candidates who have scored high percent in each objective test & have overall 40%.The qualifying marks for this test 40% (20 marks) is also necessary to proceed to final phase.

GD & Interview : The candidates with high percentile in Written tests will be called for Group Discussion & Interview. Around 7500 candidates for PO & 6000 for PO(RB) can be expected to get a call for interview, as per SBI recruitment notice.Those who secure minimum 40% of the total 50 marks will be considered for Final selection.

Books : Still, we are receiving many emails asking for books to prepare for this exam. So once again we are giving a list of the books available to purchase online.

* SBI PO Exam (2010 edition with question papers) – Rs.332Buy Online

* SBI PO exam GuideRs.315Buy Online

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Question Papers : There were not much previous question papers available online for SBI PO exam. But you can make use of the solved papers of other banks, to practice & get an idea of the timing.See Test of english papers & General awareness questions

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