Officer Jobs in IDBI Bank  

Monday, October 19, 2009

Industrial Development Bnk of India (IDBI Bank)
Regd. Office : IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, mumbai- 400005

Online applications are invited between 20/10/2009 and 26/10/2009 for the posts of Executives and Assistant Manager and between 20/10/2009 and 23/01/2010 for the posts of Manager and Assistant General Manager in IDBI Bank :

  • Executive (On contract basis) : 300 posts, Qualification : Graduate in any discipline, Age : 25 years
  • Assistant Manager Gr. A : 850 posts, Qualification : Graduate with 60% in aggregate, Age : 28 years
  • Manager Gr. B : 370 posts, Qualification : Graduate from a recognised university and professional qualification such as CA/ ICWA/ CFA/ MBA/ CAIIB preferred, Age : 32 years, Experience : 3 years experience in Bank/ Insurance/ Mutual Fund etc.
  • Assistant General Manager Gr. C : 400 posts, Qualification : Graduate from a recognised university and preference to CA/ ICWA/ CFA/ MBA/ CAIIB, , Age : 37 years. Relaxation is age as per Govt. rules., Experience : 5 years in Banking, Insurance/ Non Banking Finance company, Mutual Fund etc.
How to Apply : Apply Online between the given dates from 20/10/2009.

For detailed information visit

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